Wheelchair Seating Systems, Inc.


Make A Difference

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Vision Wheelchair Seating Systems is a Canadian manufacturer of ADP approved seating and positioning systems and accessories for wheelchairs, including cushions and back supports. All of Visions’ products are guaranteed for 30 months and are approved by the Ontario government’s Assistive Devices Programs (ADP).

Since 1992, Vision has been developing memory foam products that significantly redistribute pressure to maintain skin integrity, provide positioning support and comfort. Vision’s products are effective in both facility and community based settings as they require no maintenance and ensure that the user is both comfortable and properly protected. Vision’s variety of cushions, which are made up of the VerySOFT, VerySOFT-DLT, VIVE, VIVE-DLT, EPIC and EPIC Plus, are designed to meet users’ varying needs. Vision’s back supports, the VIVA, VISCOUNT, and VIRTUOSO, accommodate any wheelchair frame and provide excellent seating support for the user. Vision’s VG Arm Trough, VG Half Lap Tray and VG Full Lap Tray provide comfort and arm support for the users. All products may be customized in both shape and size to best accommodate the user.

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About Vision Seating

Vision is a Canadian manufacturer of seating and positioning systems for wheelchairs.  All cushions, back supports, and arm supports are ADP approved, and are available throughout Canada and internationally.

Vision Seating Literature

Product information, including cleaning instructions, is available in PDF format in English, French, Japanese, and Arabic.

Custom Designs

Vision develops original and effective products based on therapists’ requests to resolve difficult seating and positioning issues.  Please view a sample of the customized products that have been developed through close contact with health care professionals within the industry.

Contact Us

If you have a request or suggestion for product development, please let us know.
