Wheelchair Seating Systems, Inc.

Product & ADP Codes

Effective June 2015
PART # A.D.P. Code Description
 SESND1045  GELfoam 
VerySOFT Cushion
V-01-1-01-SIZE sesvc4000 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-01-SIZE SESVC4500 Custom size and shape up-charge: up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-01-SIZE SESVC4510 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge for cushions 20″ – 24″ width or depth, inclusive
For sizes over 24″ – please call for a quote
VerySOFT – Deep Leg Troughs (VS-DLT) Cushion
V-01-1-02-SIZE SESVC4100 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-02-SIZE SESVC4500 Custom size and shape up-charge: up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-02-SIZE SESVC4510 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge for cushions 20″ – 24″ width or depth, inclusive
For sizes over 24″ – please call for a quote
VIVE Cushion
V-01-1-03-SIZE SESVC4150 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-03-SIZE SESVC4500 Custom size and shape up-charge: up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-03-SIZE SESVC4510 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge for cushions 20″ – 24″ width or depth, inclusive
For sizes over 24″ – please call for a quote
VIVE-Deep Leg Troughs (VIVE-DLT) Cushion
V-01-1-04-SIZE SESVC4170 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-04-SIZE SESVC4500 Custom size and shape up-charge: up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-04-SIZE SESVC4510 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge for cushions 20″ – 24″ width or depth, inclusive
For sizes over 24″ – please call for a quote
EPIC Cushion
V-01-1-19-SIZE SE0000672 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 18×18, 18×16
V-01-1-19-SIZE SE0000673 Custom cushion sizes and shapes up to 19×19
For larger sizes please use EPIC Plus codes
V-01-1-20-SIZE SE0000676 Std. sizes16×20, 20×16, 18×20, 20×18
V-01-1-20-SIZE SE0000677 Bariatric custom size or shape for cushions 20″ – 24″ width or depth inclusive
For smaller sizes please use EPIC codes
VerySOFT Special Edition (cushion with a solid seat insert)
V-01-1-05-SIZE SESVC4000* Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-05-SIZE SESVC4500* Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-05-SIZE SESVC4510* Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″ – 24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
*add ADP code #sesnd1015-“solid seat insert” to VerySOFT code
VerySOFT-DLT Special Edition (cushion with a solid seat insert)
V-01-1-06-SIZE SESVC4100* Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-06-SIZE SESVC4500* Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-06-SIZE SESVC4510* Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″ – 24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
*add ADP code #sesnd1015-“solid seat insert” to VerySOFT Deep Leg Troughs code
VIVE Special Edition (cushion with a solid seat insert)
V-01-1-07-SIZE SESVC4150* Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-07-SIZE SESVC4500* Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-07-SIZE SESVC4510* Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″ – 24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
*add ADP code #sesnd1015-“solid seat insert” to VIVE code
VIVE-DLT Special Edition (cushion with a solid seat insert)
V-01-1-08-SIZE SESVC4170* Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-01-1-08-SIZE SESVC4500* Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-01-1-08-SIZE SESVC4510* Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″-24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
*add ADP code #sesnd1015-“solid seat insert” to VIVE Deep Leg Troughs code
EPIC Special Edition (cushion with a solid seat insert)
V-01-1-21-SIZE SE0000672* Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 18×18, 18×16
V-01-1-21-SIZE SE0000673* Custom cushion sizes or shapes up to 19×19
*add ADP code #sesnd1015-“solid seat insert” to EPIC code
EPIC PLUS Special Edition (cushion with a solid seat insert)
V-01-1-22-SIZE SE0000676* Std. sizes16×20, 20×16, 18×20, 20×18
V-01-1-22-SIZE SE0000677* Bariatric Custom sizes or shapes for sizes up to 24X24
*Add ADP code #sesnd1015-“solid seat insert” to EPIC Plus code
DROP-SEATS: Integrated cushion and drop seat, includes the Ez-Zip DRY N COOL cover and 4 drop clips
Ez-Zip VerySOFT
V-02-1-01-SIZE SESVC4030 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-02-1-01-SIZE SESVC4520 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-02-1-01-SIZE SESVC4530 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″-24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
V-02-1-02-SIZE SESVC4120 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-02-1-02-SIZE SESVC4520 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-02-1-02-SIZE SESVC4530 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″-24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
V-02-1-3-SIZE SESVC4160 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-02-1-3-SIZE SESVC4520 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-02-1-3-SIZE SESVC4530 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″-24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
V-02-1-4-SIZE SESVC4180 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-02-1-4-SIZE SESVC4520 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to and includes 20″w X 19″d
V-02-1-4-SIZE SESVC4530 Bariatric custom size or shape up-charge, 20″-24″ width or depth inclusive
For sizes over 24″ –  please call for a quote
Ez-Zip Epic
V-02-1-19-SIZE SE0000674 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 18×18, 18×16
V-02-1-19-SIZE SE0000675 Custom sizes or shapes up to 19×19
For Larger sizes use EPIC Plus codes
V-02-1-20-SIZE SE0000678 Std. sizes16×20, 20×16, 18×20, 20×18
V-02-1-20-SIZE SE0000679 Bariatric custom size or shape, 20″-24″ width or depth inclusive
For Smaller sizes use EPIC codes
DROP-CLIPS: Securing hardware that mounts to mobility device (max 8″)
V-07-0-SIZE SEICF191L 0″ drop clip
V-07-0-SIZE SEICF191L 1″ drop clip
V-07-0-SIZE SEICF191L 2″ drop clip
DRY N’COOL Covers for Cushions
V-06-0-01-SIZE SESND1050 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-06-0-01-SIZE SESND1055 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″ (inclusive) width or depth
V-06-0-01-SIZE SESND1060 Custom Upcharge for bariatric sizes and/or shapes
DRY N’COOL Covers for Special Edition Cushions
V-06-0-05-SIZE SESND1050 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-06-0-05-SIZE SESND1055 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″ (inclusive) width or depth
V-06-0-05-SIZE SESND1060 Custom Upcharge for bariatric sizes and/or shapes
Ez-Zip DRY N’COOL Covers for Drop-Seats
V-08-0-01-SIZE SESND1050 Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-08-0-01-SIZE SESND1055 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″ (inclusive) width or depth
V-08-0-01-SIZE SESND1060 Custom Upcharge for bariatric sizes and/or shapes
Wipe N’Dry Covers for Cushions
V-09-0-05-SIZE SEMCF106L Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-09-0-05-SIZE SEMCF106L Custom size: up to 19″ (inclusive) width or depth
V-09-0-05-SIZE SEMCF106L Custom size: 20″ to 22″ width or depth
For sizes over 22″ – please call for a quote
Wipe N’Dry Covers for Special Edition Cushions
V-09-0-05-SIZE SEMCF106L Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-09-0-05-SIZE SEMCF106L Custom size: up to 19″ (inclusive) width or depth
V-09-0-05-SIZE SEMCF106L Custom size: 20″ to 22″ width or depth
For sizes over 22″ – please call for a quote
Ez-Zip Wipe N’Dry Covers for Drop-Seats
V-10-0-01-SIZE SEMCF106L Std. sizes: 16×16.5, 16×18, 16×20, 18×18, 18×16, 18×20, 20×16, 20×18
V-10-0-01-SIZE SEMCF106L Custom size: up to 19″ (inclusive) width or depth
V-10-0-01-SIZE SEMCF106L Custom size: 20″ to 22″ width or depth
For sizes over 22″ – please call for a quote
VIVA Back Support
V-03-0-15-SIZE SEBVC0015 VIVA, Standard sizes: 16″w & 18″w wheelchairs
V-03-0-15-SIZE SEBVC0020 VIVA, Custom Sizes and Shapes
VIRTUOSO Back Support
V-03-0-14-SIZE SEBVC0005 VIRTUOSO, Standard Sizes: 16″w & 18″w wheelchairs
V-03-0-14-SIZE SEBVC0010 VIRTUOSO, Custom Sizes and Shapes
SELND0005 Adjustable Lateral Support Bracket, 5″w X 6″d
V08099 Adjustable Lateral Support Bracket, Custom Size
V08104 Adjustable Lateral Support Padding, 4″w X 6″d
V08109 Adjustable Lateral Support Padding, Custom Size and Shapes
VISCOUNT Tall Back Support
V-03-0-13-SIZE SEBVC0030 Standard sizes, 16″w & 18″w wheelchair
V-03-0-13-SIZE SEBVC0030 Custom size *Call for details
V.G. Half Lap Tray-  padded, flip-down, 3/8″
V-04-0-18-L/R SETND0015 Modular tray
V-04-0-18-L/R SETND0035 Removable pad for the tray
V-04-0-18-L/R SETND0020 Custom size *Call for details
FULL LAP TRAYS – 1/4″ thick, clear
V.G. Full Lap Tray, strap-on
V-04-0-17-14-SIZE SETND0005 Std. size for 16″w w/c & 18″w w/c
SETND0035 Elbow pad, each (x2)
V-04-0-17-14-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″w (inclusive) w/c
V-04-0-17-14-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes for 20″ to 22″ wide w/c
For sizes over 22″ –  please call for a quote
V.G. Full Lap Tray, slide-on
V-04-0-16-14-SIZE SETND0005 Std. size for 16″w w/c & 18″w w/c
SETND0035 Elbow pad, each (x2)
V-04-0-16-14-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″w (inclusive) w/c
V-04-0-16-14-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes for 20″ to 22″ wide w/c
For sizes over 22″ –  please call for a quote
FULL LAP TRAYS – 3/8″ thick, clear
V.G. Full Lap Tray, strap-on
V-04-0-16-38-SIZE SETND0005 Std. size for 16″w w/c & 18″w w/c
SETND0035 Elbow pad, each (x2)
V-04-0-16-38-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″w (inclusive) w/c
V-04-0-16-38-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes for 20″ to 22″ wide w/c
For sizes over 22″ –  please call for a quote
V.G. Full Lap Tray, slide-on
V-04-0-17-38-SIZE SETND0005 Std. size for 16″w w/c & 18″w w/c
SETND0035 Elbow pad, each (x2)
V-04-0-17-38-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes up to 19″w (inclusive) w/c
V-04-0-17-38-SIZE SETND0010 Custom Upcharge for custom sizes and shapes for 20″ to 22″ wide w/c
For sizes over 22″ –  please call for a quote
V.G., Adjustable Arm-Trough, Custom
V-05-0-00-L/R SETND0020 Half lap tray – size only (for shape, call for a quote)
SEAND0005 Arm Support
SEAND0010 Add-on for a custom size arm support
SEAND0015 Hand support
SEAND0030 Pressure relief foam
V.G., Adjustable Arm-Trough, Custom
V-05-0-00-L/R setnd0020 Half lap tray – size only (for shape, call for a quote)
seand0005 Arm support
seand0010 Add-on for a custom size arm support
seand0015 Hand support
seand0030 Pressure relief foam